simple, powerful and cost effective invoice software

Testimonial: Expendable and cost effective invoice software

Testimonial: Expendable and cost effective invoice software

We have decided to use XIn products after a short research made over the net. We have been looking into a robust lightware within our budget.

Xin did fit our specifications. In addition it has an intuitive GUI and simple workflow implementation process. The support team knows the product well and nothing is too difficult for them to achieve.

The software is using MS SQL Server (express) as a back RDBMS. This helps bigger organizations to expand the system to the full MS SQL Server full version if required.

I would recommend this software as it is powerful and affordable. The team is always looking into helping the users.

Lyes Mokraoui, GIS Innovation Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

XIn Cube

Xin Cube is a tech company that develop windows and cloud application to suit the customer and market trend need.